Sunday, July 13, 2008

Today I decided that if I wait for the renovations I will never get my sewing machine out, so with some trepidation, I took off the dust cover and opened the cabinet. Dust - less than I feared, but more than I want, so I gave my trusty 1949 Singer a thorough cleaning and did a few test seams. They're okay, I think and the machine doesn't seem to be running too badly - although I suppose that is a very loose definition of badly. There is a sewing machine repair shop in town, so I will take it in soon to have it cleaned professionally. My old Singer and I have been together too long and through too many things for me not to treat her well.

It's mid - July and fall is coming - I know this because the Sears catalogue for Fall has appeared. We haven't had any stinky hot weather and I haven't had a vacation yet, but already I'm ready for cooler nights and for my house to be done so I can go back to living in it instead of camping in the basement.

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