Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Summer Sewing

Here on the prairies we are in the middle of the kind of heat wave that is supposed to hit only the Ottawa Valley. It is hot and humid and hot and humid .... is this global warming? Promise, I don't remember this from being a kid. I came here expecting hot, dry summers, with endless skies and those high fluffy white cloud that only tease of rain and never deliver. (You know what they say about it being a dry cold? It's also supposed to be a dry heat!! Could we do something about this, please?) This is Valley Soup - where you can walk outside and feel the air, and where it is impossible to see the trees on the horizon.

And that means it's time to head down to the basement studio (okay, bedroom) and sew. It's cool in the basement, and it gives me some time in the morning before I head off to work to collect my thoughts and plan my day. When I use this old machine I think of how I connect to all those other women who also sew and who sewed before me, and I think of women all over the world who use their hands to make beautiful things. You know what? I think we're going to change the world.

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