Back before Christmas, I made a swack (that's a technical term) of pinwheels from a slew (another technical term) of black, red and white fabrics I have, most of them from Keepsake Quilting's scrap bags. (Have I mentioned that I really like their scrap bags?). With one square of each fabric, I ended up with 168 pinwheels, 2 each of 84 combinations. I intended to use them for a quilt I call Newspaper Pinwheels (Black and White and Re(a)d all over). (Bad joke.) (Bad
old joke.) I'm still working on that quilt, but since I've redrafted it several times, I'm not quite sure where I'm going. It uses half the pinwheels.
The challenge then, is to use the rest of the pinwheels - and so, I am. These are some of the pinwheels:

And this is how I started - I cut a swack (another of those technical terms) of quarter square triangles, so that I could make a strippy quilt.

The Undercover Strippers got together today for a great day of sewing at the church.

By the end of the day, I have five strips. My layout says I need seven, but I am pretty sure I'll stop at six. This quilt is already much bigger than I had planned, and six strips will be plenty enough.

This one's for me - and will be in our quilt show in October, 2011. The girls laugh and tell me I can have my own little red and black corner. With half-square triangles.
Go, Sens, Go.